Radii are the rounded corners in components. Lens components have built-in corner radius. Radii ties closely to the size of the component — as size increases, the radius value should too. Please adhere to using the radius token values for defining the corner roundness of a design element, such as frames, groups, or shapes.


Our system is built around a base unit of 8px. The 8px base unit also forms the basis of our token names. Every token is a multiple of the base unit with the number suffix representing the percentage of the base unit.

For example:

100 is 100% of the size of the base unit, therefore represents 8px.

200 is 200% of the size of the base unit, therefore represents 16px.

sizecorner radius (px)
50calc(0.5 * var(--lns-unit, 8px))
100calc(1 * var(--lns-unit, 8px))
150calc(1.5 * var(--lns-unit, 8px))
175calc(1.75 * var(--lns-unit, 8px))
200calc(2 * var(--lns-unit, 8px))
250calc(2.5 * var(--lns-unit, 8px))
300calc(3 * var(--lns-unit, 8px))
roundcalc(999 * var(--lns-unit, 8px))

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